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We aspire to be a trustworthy and reliable company.

Tesfa Healthcare Service PLC is a private company established to provide health care and social services by multi-disciplinary professionals who possess ample experience in both fields.

Our company’s name, “Tesfa”, is derived from the native Ethiopian language and is coined to express our passion and means “hope”, as we will bring hope to your hom

24/7 Emergency Service
We are available for 24/7 emergency service. Please contact usif you have any enquiry.

We  are available everyday a week, Contact us any time.

Types of care include;

Daytimecare  8:00Am-7:00PM

Night care     7:00PM-7:00AM

or as agreed

Wondering what home based care is all about?

Home based care is a supportive care service provided in the home which is often more cost effective and preferred: Based on your doctor’s guidance and your clinical needs, our team comes to your home to provide health care service including nursing home care, therapy services, counseling services and social support services through skilled and licensed health professionals. Our home care service can be provided to all ages from pediatric care to care for adults.

What Are our service Catagories?

Our company’s main business pillars are home based care, heath consultancy and clinical service including diagnostic and imaging service. In the future, we are also focused on providing ambulance service, importing and distribution of pharmaceuticals and establishing a charity organization

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Years of Experiance

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Home based care Patients

Our Core Service Pillars

Consultancy Service

Provide consultancy service on various health and social science fields

Home Based Care Service

Serve medical and social supports at your home

Human Resource Management

Engage on managing your organization projects and human resource

Primary Healthcare service

Provide quality primary health care service including diagnostic imaging

Future Aspirations

Aspire to establish a charity organization and serve you with a well equipped ambulance service

Our core values


Abided by moral and ethical principles


Open to share evidences of our success and learn from our failures

Ensure consistency

Committed to maintain the same standard and behaviors for quality work

Build strong collaboration

Become partner of choice


Responsible for our work.


Protect our customers and organizations information from unauthorized access and misuse


Guided by people centered approach

Book an appointment today!
Appointment form

Healing and Helping Thousands of Life.

we have developed a system that allows you to work together with those of you who are unable to work or establish a business due to various reasons. Therefore, you let us know to work together by facilitating the conditions.


Our home care services are delivered by highly trained and licensed professional caregivers, carefully matched to each family requirements, preferences and the specific patient needs.